How to Stay Online During a Power Outage.

Stay online during a power outage the years, power outages have become more dearly compared to a couple of decades back. Back then, the main worry when the power went out was staying in the dark. Today, literally every aspect of our lives is dependent on electricity. It is the case not just for homes, but businesses and schools as well. For most people, including myself, our money and even most of our social interactions are online. A slight power outage leaves most of us shaken for a minute- we do not know what to do with ourselves, let alone others, without the internet. How to stay online during a power outage.

Let us take a look at some alternatives, not only for the home but also for businesses.

Solutions to keep you online

With the advent of the Coronavirus pandemic, most, if not all, realized the importance of a reliable internet connection, considering all the ‘work from home’ and ‘learn from home’ arrangements. Therefore to plan ahead of that transformer that decides to blow when you need it most, or the bad weather that messes up your power, you can do the following to stay online during a power outage; how to keep wifi on during power outage

Modem and Router Power Back-up

Most power outages occur locally; thus, power is only lost within small areas –perhaps your house, block, or neighborhood. Nevertheless, you can stay prepared with a back-up battery for your modem and wireless router. If you are wondering, modems are devices that the service provider hooks to your router to facilitate a wireless internet connection. However, nowadays, a single device combines the functionality of a modem and a wireless router. If you have a modem and router back-up battery, ensure it is always charged to keep you online. There are several options in the market, and on average, a fully charged device should earn you around 7 hours of active internet. The device can also charge your cell phone but reduces the amount of time significantly.

Use a UPS back-up battery.

UPS stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply. They are special types of batteries that come through for your devices when your power is unexpectedly interrupted. However, UPs only provide enough juice to buy you enough time to save and close your work. Since the device is constantly plugged into the wall, it is always on standby. Although they are low-end batteries, UPs batteries also act as surge protectors.

Use your cell phone hotspot.

In such times the hotspot icon on your mobile phone could be a lifesaver. As long as your mobile phone and laptop- or any other devices -still have some power in them, you should be good to go for a few more hours. That is why referred to as a smartphone-It can act as a wireless hub to allow data access provided the cell tower is up and running. Check with your service provider whether the plan you are on accommodates the service or plans you can purchase.

In the example up above we show how to turn your Android device into a mobile hot spot. What if you have an Apple I-phone. Click on the this Link: How to setup an I-Phone Hotspot.

Alternatively, you can use a portable mobile hotspot that should act as a portable router, a USB hard drive or facilitate media sharing. You can also purchase this device from your wireless service provider.

Satellite Internet.

Probably not the most popular choice for its slow speeds compared to wired internet. However, having Satellite internet in your home guarantees you peace of mind as it is not prone to interruptions. It is possible to bypass the local power grid by transmitting directly via satellite dishes installed on your premises.

Dial-up Internet access

We sometimes need to go back to where we came from for direction, which is precisely the case here. Some houses still have old telephone lines and if yours is one of them, count you lucky. In the present day, they are a handful of companies that still provide dial-up access. As long as it will keep you online, consider this as an option.

Get a generator

Generators are typically your small-scale power supply. A generator has enough power to run an entire household, including refrigerators or air conditioners. There are numerous options, including portable automatic generators and silent generators. The installation would require the skills of an electrician and absolute care during use. A generator might be pretty expensive; however, If you can afford It, then why not.


Power outages are not always anticipated. To be on the safe side, make sure to do the following;

  • Always keep your devices charged to avoid surprises
  • Get yourself portable battery chargers or power banks and keep them charged.
  • Charge your phone from the car before your phone goes off completely
  • Safely keep extra fuel or gas for generators just in case

Along with every problem, there must come a solution. Thanks to the advancement of technology and some old –not so old- energy sources, we have several alternatives at our disposal. Although temporary, these solutions are the thin line between losing everything within seconds and saving them before it is too late. The secret is in planning. Yes, that’s right, always plan before it occurs, even If chances of an outage are close to zero. You never know!

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