The Best Off-Grid Lights for Home and Emergencies

Off-grid lights are perfect for any off-grid needs. From household lighting to outdoor security, solar lanterns, and more - check out these alternative options.

Choosing to go off the grid is a decision most homeowners battle with as it’s marked with serious challenges and fears. Most people pull the plug gradually to mitigate the risks to avoid the challenges and expenses that would come with a sudden change. Many people fear most of the modern-day luxuries would disappear. The good news is choosing off-grid lights brings liberation from monthly electricity bills and several other newfound freedoms.

A light bulb is one of the most iconic features in modern homes and most people associate it with electricity. However, it can be battery-powered serve the same purpose with more convenience. While it takes light to run the washing machine, to build, and assist in the running of home chores, you can source an alternative source of power.

Off-grid lights

Solar-powered lights are a reliable renewable energy source to choose for your home. Whether you are living in a tiny house or a vast home, solar energy is always a viable lighting option. You can buy outdoor lights that have a small battery and solar charger to power them and eliminate all bulbs powered by electricity. Besides, solar-powered lights can be used in camping sites, hotels, or other businesses that need solar power. While most fear about solar lights may not offer light for a night, modern technology has made it possible to have such bulbs last the entire night without dimming.

LED lights

When winter days come knocking, you will need brighter lights and batteries that last long. LED lights offer an excellent option and can be powered by powerful solar panels. For instance, you can work with 180W solar panels and a powerful battery, which is self-contained. Such a system does not demand regular checking of charge controllers and inverters, since they are incorporated into the battery. The batter can power 12v LED lights for outdoor use.

Outdoor solar Lights are a reliable source of powering up your driveway and porch without having to worry about rising bills. Solar-powered lights are relatively cheap and will serve you for a long time with zero maintenance cost.

You do not have to worry about where to get the lights, as they can be easily accessed from any appliances shop. Thus, your journey to off-grid your property with renewable sources of energy, solar energy is the way to go.

The rechargeable batteries cannot stand a lot of abuse and will need to replace after some time. The single drawback is overtaken by the number of benefits that come with using solar power to light up your home. Also, advanced solar power can power your entire house and run all house appliances reliably.

LED Lanterns

LED lanterns are suitable replacements for your bedside lamps. Get one to light your bedroom in case of power outages or replace electricity-powered lamps. Solar-powered lanterns offer you the much-needed relief from relying on electricity and it gets you closer to living off the grid.

Glow Sticks

Although glowing sticks are not a renewable source of energy, they help power your camp. They are easy to store in your home and you can find several brands in the market, making them easier. All glow sticks come with a small string for hanging and they can last for 12 hours. Although the sticks are not favorable to people mindful of green energy, they can be effective in living off the grid.

Deciwatt Off-Grid Lights

These by far are my favorite Off-Grid Lights. This is called The NowLight by Deciwatt. These lights provide clean, safe and the best kind of affordable power. FREE. This is done by harnessing human power using biomechanics and the latest in on board battery technology to generate maximum power with little effort.

One minute pulling the cord can generates up to 2 hours of light. That is not bad if you are ever in a situation with no power and need light. Speaking of power can that same technology charge your phone? Yes. This light comes with a 5v out, that can power other items including smartphones and e-book, flashlights, radios and fairy lights the best kind of off-grid lights

Finally you can get an optional solar panel to charge nowlight on sunny days and additional ‘SatLights’ spread the light where you need.

Natural Lighting

One should be intentional in harnessing natural light from the sun to ensure homes are having sufficient lighting. If you are living out in the wilderness, build your home or camping site with large windows to allow maximum light into the room. Also, you can make renovations to increase natural light in the house.


The journey to living in off-grid homes is easy, as shown. Remember, you can use an oil lamp among other lighting options that exist. Create a sustainable plan for living a self-contained life with no reliance on electricity.

Become a RenegadePrep

If you wish to live a preparedness lifestyle and learn about how to survive a power outage, then you need to check out my article How To Survive a Power Outage During The Summer. I have lots of content on my website (I’m a one-man show) and product reviews that will help keep you safe and sound during any natural disasters or national emergencies. 

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